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Natural Gardening with Terra Preta

Caroline Pfützner

Practical knowledge for the garden, flower beds and balcony

Miracle soil from

the Amazon

Terra preta is considered to be the most fertile soil in the world, and farmers and amateur gardeners alike are enthusing about it. Thisfirst practical handbook on the »miracle soil«,the recipe for which was originally developed by the indigenous peoples of South America, makes producing and using it really easy, even for those with no previous experience.

Terra preta activates and regenerates soil life and builds up a stable humus layer. No ferti- lizer is required, and the soil is easier to work and needs less water.

The results? Healthy growth with abundantflowering, high crop yields and reducedsusceptibility to pests and diseases. Using terra preta also makes an active contribution to climate protection, as it stores CO2 perma- nently in the soil. The book contains numerous instructions and photos as well as lots of practical examples showing how you can make the black soil »terra preta« yourself and use it in your garden or on your balcony.