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Barry Jonsberg

Introducing Candice Phee: twelve years old, hilariously honest and a little odd. But she has a big heart, the very best of intentions and an unwavering determination to ensure everyone is happy.
This isn't just about me. It's also about the other people in my life – my mother, my father, my dead sister Sky, my penpal Denille, Rich Uncle Brian, Earth-Pig Fish and Douglas Benson From Another Dimension. These are people (with the exception of Earth-Pig Fish, who is a fish) who have shaped me, made me what I am. I cannot recount my life without recounting elements of theirs. This is a big task, but I am confident I am up to it. Laugh-out-loud funny and wonderfully touching, My Life as an Alphabet is the delightful story of an unusual girl who goes to great lengths to bring love and laughter into the lives of everyone she cares about. ‘Where do I start in explaining how much I loved this hilariously quirky and moving story with its beautiful, fractured gem of a narrator? How about A is for Awesome.’ Michael Gerard Bauer Barry Jonsberg is a multi-award-winning writer of young adult and middle grade novels who was most recently shortlisted for the Prime Minister’s Award 2012.
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Published 2013-02-01 by Allen & Unwin


Shortlisted 2013 Children's Peace Literature Award Shortlisted 2013 Gold Inky Award

France: Flammarion

Beneath the humour there is pathos... Barry Jonsberg has an uncanny ability to take on the persona of a very special 12-year-old girl and to keep the reader totally entertained from start to finish.