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My Guided Travel Journal

Wiebke Blum

Travel Logbook

128 pages ● many coloured illustrations ●hardcover with die cut and ribbon page marker ● trim size 170 x 240 mm ● retail price: € 14.99 ● ISBN 978-3-96664-031-2 ● Publication: February 2020

Doesn’t every journey you embark on, be it a city or a weekend trip, a wellness vacation or a long-distance journey, means a new adventure? This beautifully layouted mixture of a journal and scrap book gives you the chance to (re)collect all your travel experiences and impressions, leaving room for personal notes on whom you met during your various trips, which kind of insights you may have gathered and just to remember the most beautiful moments.  

Memorabilia such as stamps, admission tickets or little plants you found on the way, names and menus of restaurants or Food Trucks you enjoyed, little drawings, photographs, labels…. Anything can be added to make this the personal keepsake for all your wonderful travel adventures.

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Published 2020-02-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783966640312

Main content page count: 128 Pages

ISBN: 9783966640312