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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Jason Hrivnak

Delves into the extremes of mental illness by using a hallucinatory nemesis as narrator to horrifying and heartbreaking effect—Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves and Joyce Carol Oates' Zombie meet The Evil Dead in this incredible, exquisite nightmare of a novel
Thomas hears voices, the most prominent of which is that of a demon called Dinn. The demon re-frames Thomas' declining mental health as a kind of nightmarish adventure, an opportunity to leave behind the world that he has known and join the forces of hell. When Thomas takes the demon at his word, applying himself to his so-called training, he finds himself being called upon to perform unspeakable acts. But Dinn has painted the world in such dark, forbidding colours that soon Thomas lacks both the will and the means to seek the help he so desperately needs.

“Lyrical and hallucinatory, Jason Hrivnak's Mutilation Song is a sensual atrocity, like The Screwtape Letters for demonomaniacs. Imagine the unholy daisy-chain of C.S. Lewis, J.G. Ballard, and Bret Easton Ellis and you have Mutilation Song.”
—Bracken MacLeod, author of Come to Dust and 13 Views of the Suicide Woods

“Reading like the occult love child of Georges Bataille and David Lynch, Hrivnak's Mutilation Song is an unnerving and surreal meditation on the demons that haunt us and on the nature(s) of evil. Compelling and unsettling, and definitely worth the read.”
—Brian Evenson, author of Last Days

“Jason Hrivnak's Mutilation Song is without question a poison but it is also a kind of scripture. This steady incantation of depravity and suffering will not make you a better person but it will, if you find yourself within ten feet of it, entice you to despise all life in an exquisite and elaborate way . . . You're gonna love this one.”
—Tony Burgess, author of Pontypool Changes Everything and People Live Still in Cashtown Corners

Born and raised in Toronto, JASON HRIVNAK studied literature at Queen's University and publishing at Humber College. He has worked in the Canadian book industry for more than a decade, most recently in marketing and sales. His first novel The Plight House was published by Pedlar Press in 2009, earning praise from readers of both horror and literary fiction. Highlights include a shortlist nomination for the ReLit Award and inclusion on Dennis Cooper's web-showcase “Three books I recently read and loved.” A Japanese article and excerpt appeared in English Journal 10 (Oct. 2015), translation by Motoyuki Shibata. Mutilation Song is his second novel. Early work on the project was supported by a grant from the Ontario Arts Council's Writers'
Reserve Program. An excerpt, titled “The Novice”, appeared in the 2016 edition of the Tokyo-based annual Monkey Business.
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Published 2018-08-01 by ChiZine