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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


Linda Finlay

#1 Red Cliffs Ragged School Series

A little girl is found abandoned on a beach one chilly Monday in October, alone apart from the body of her mother, cold beside her.
Rendered completely silent by her traumatic experience, she is given the name Monday by the woman who discovers her and takes her to the Red Cliffs Ragged School - an old, crumbling building perched above the Torquay bay.

Her saviour, twenty-two-year old Sarah Sullivan, has also had a tough life. But when she was summoned to help out at Red Cliffs - a haven for poverty-stricken children from the cities - by her godfather Samuel she also found her own second chance within its walls. Now she will do anything to help the mischievous, loveable children there. Especially Monday whose continued silence tears at her heart.

But with Samuel's health failing and his grasping nephew Christian eager to inherit, Red Cliffs is under threat. Sarah needs to fight - the children need her, and surprisingly she find she needs them. Will she be able to save the school and protect the little girl she's come to love so much, the one she's named Monday's Child?

Monday's Child is the first in the Red Cliff Ragged School series, soon to be followed by Orphans and Angels.

As an image consultant, Linda has always had an avid interest in people. Linda's writing has been published in a number of magazines and annuals. Moving to the spectacular Devon coast and learning about its local history inspired her novels set in the area.
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Published 2016-10-20 by Penguin