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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Todd Moss

Todd Moss’ MINUTE ZERO is an extraordinary international thriller by the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State and author of the acclaimed national bestseller The Golden Hour.
“In the life of every country, at a moment of extreme national disruption—a leader’s sudden death, a highly disputed election—there is a brief period of breakdown, when everything is uncertain, events can turn on a dime. That is the moment to act, to shape events the way that you want them to go. That is Minute Zero.”

US State Department crisis manager Judd Ryker is thrown into a quickly-developing situation in Zimbabwe, where a longtime strongman is being challenged for the presidency. Rumors are flying furiously: armed gangs, military crackdowns, huge outside money flooding in, and, most disturbing, reports of highly enriched uranium coming on the market. And that’s all before Ryker gets to Harare. It gets much worse after that. If he can’t get control, shape his minute zero, then a lot of people are going to die—not least of all, himself.

Ryker has allies, he knows, and he has enemies. But as to which is which, it’s not always certain—and the answers, when they come, will be nothing like what he expected.

Todd Moss is currently Vice President and Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Development, a Washington DC think tank, and is an Adjunct Professor at Georgetown University. In 2007-2008, Moss took leave from CGD to serve as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State in the Bureau of African Affairs, where he was responsible for diplomatic relations with sixteen West African countries. In August 2008, Moss was dispatched by Secretary Condoleezza Rice to Mauritania to meet with General Aziz just days after he overthrew President Abdullahi in a coup. Previously, Moss worked at the World Bank and the Economist Intelligence Unit and taught at the London School of Economics. He is the author of the bestselling The Golden Hour (Putnam, September 2014; Bulgarian: Obsidian; Japanese: Hayakawa) and two more forthcoming books in the series. He is also the author of four nonfiction books on international economics affairs.
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Published 2015-09-15 by Putnam


Published 2015-09-15 by Putnam


Moss, a former diplomat in West Africa, draws from his experience to produce a tense, fast-paced, utterly convincing picture of chaos in the making. That Ryker acts not like a supersleuth but as the former Amherst professor he is makes the book even more persuasive. A brilliantly orchestrated realpolitik thriller, Moss' second effort is as instructive as it is thrilling.

Japanese rights to Hayakawa Publishing Corporation

[a] fine second novel...the action moves relentlessly, shifting between Harare and Washington, D.C., and among several well-drawn characters. A former U.S. diplomat in Africa, Moss maintains a high level of authenticity throughout. Read more...

Features turf wars, high stakes diplomacy, conspiracy, murder and more. An exciting read, this is not a book that readers will be able to put down easily. Aside from the engrossing plot and interesting characters, what really stands out is the author's deft use of dialogue...Having produced another compelling read, I doubt I'm the only one hoping to see much more from this author. Read more...