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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Najwa Zebian

From celebrated Lebanese-Canadian poet and speaker, Najwa Zebian, comes this revised and expanded edition of her debut collection.
MIND PLATTER is a compilation of reflections on life through the eyes of an educator, student and human who experienced most of life in silence. It is written in the words of a person who came from Lebanon to Canada at the age of sixteen and experienced what it was like to have fate push you to a place where you don't belong. It is written in the voice of every person who ever felt unheard, mistreated, misjudged or unseen. MIND PLATTER contains around 200 one-page entries as reflections on different topics that we encounter in our everyday lives; love, friendship, hurt, inspiration, respect, wholeheartedness, motivation, integrity, honesty and more. MIND PLATTER is not about the words that are in it, but about what the reader makes of them. This book does not only belong to me. It belongs to everyone whose path crossed mine. Had my journey not have been what it was, with every story and every detail, I would not be the same person today. May this book give a voice to those who need one, be a crying shoulder for those who need someone to listen, and inspire those who need a reminder of the power that they have over their lives.

Najwa Zebian is a Lebanese-Canadian author, speaker, and educator. Her passion for language was evident from a young age, as she delved into Arabic poetry and novels. The search for a home—what Najwa describes as a place where the soul and heart feel at peace—was central to her early years. When she arrived in Canada at the age of sixteen, she felt unstable and adrift in an unfamiliar place. Nevertheless, she completed her education, and went on to become a teacher as well as a doctoral candidate in educational leadership. Her first students, a group of young refugees, led her back to her original passion: writing. She began to heal her sixteen-year-old self by writing to heal her students. Since self-publishing her first collection of poetry and prose in 2016, Najwa has become an inspiration to millions of people worldwide. Drawing on her own experiences of displacement, discrimination, and abuse, Najwa uses her words to encourage others to build a home within themselves; to live, love, and create fearlessly.

US-based publisher Andrews McMeel, which helped make Rupi Kaur a household name, believes Najwa has tremendous potential for the same level of global success (Rupi has sold in 25 languages and counting). We are still discussing the publication dates with Andrews McMeel but expect that thr first two books will be republished in 2018. Najwa is finishing the manuscript for the third volume now.

Here is Najwa's website,
Available products

Published 2018-03-27 by Andrews McMeel Publishing


Najwa was also featured on the Marie Claire Arabia website in an article titled: How Do You Find Your Real Home?

In a recent article about poet Najwa Zebian–the voice behind the upcoming books Mind Platter and The Nectar of Pain–Quill & Quire voiced a question that many people have had on their minds: “Is Najwa Zebian poised to be the next Rupi Kaur?” In reference to this comparison of herself with Rupi Kaur, Najwa–who has over 700,000 Instagram followers–tweeted that she was “honoured to be placed next to a soul sister of [hers].”

Actress and former Miss Universe Olivia Culpo also revealed that Mind Platter is her current read in Us Magazine, in their feature “What's In My Bag?” Read more...