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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Ezzie Spencer

Your Guidebook to Working with the Phases of the Moon

A beautiful and practical guide to Lunar Abundance -- working with the phases of the moon!
Lunar Abundance is a holistic self-care practice that uses the moon phases as a natural timekeeper, each month beginning with a New Moon intention. This reflective journal will guide you on the path of putting it into practice to achieve joy, peace, and purpose. It includes:

- Profiles of the 8 moon phases and how to work with their natural ebbs and flows
- Dozens of writing and reflection prompts
- Guidance on intention-setting, with real-world examples and tips to get the most out of them
- Wellness and motivational affirmations
- A DIY yearly view of the moon cycles, with fill-in space to chart cycles according to your time zone.

Filled with inspirational photography and graphics, this workbook is perfect for any woman seeking holistic wellness and unique inspiration to feed the mind, body, and spirit.

Ezzie Spencer is the author of Lunar Abundance (2018). Coming from a background in law, she earned a PhD in women's wellbeing after trauma. Together with tracking the moon cycle, this was her entry into the importance of the emotional realm, which she continues to explore through her work today. As the creator of Lunar Abundance -- a lunar-inspired, holistic self-care practice -- Ezzie helps tens of thousands of people around the world cultivate self-worth, creativity, and confidence. Originally from Australia, she lives in Brooklyn, New York.
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Published 2019-12-03 by Running Press