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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Karen Hawkins

A woman with a legendary green thumb, a man living in an emotional desert, and a small boy unable to connect with others. Can the three of them, with a little help from the charmed town of Dove Pond (and a pesky ghost), turn a nightmare into a fairytale and forge their own happily ever after?
Young widow Sofia Rodriquez has just accepted the position of greenhouse manager for Ava Dove's booming herbal tea business. Sofia is delighted to have found a job that will make use of her gardening skills and allow her to spend time with her son, Noah, who has been diagnosed with Asperger's. Adding to her joy is the charming farmhouse she's renting on the edge of Dove Pond.

The only cloud on Sofia's horizon is her next door neighbor, Jake, whose yard is a thorny jungle worthy of Sleeping Beauty. Soon enough, Sofia discovers that Jake himself is just as thorny and unpleasant as his yard.

After his fiancé left him, work-from-home IT whiz and game developer Jake Klaine has gone from Prince Charming to complete hermit. But Jake isn't really alone; he's living with a ghost: a (formerly) hairy man named Doyle who's a fan of bad puns and who refuses to leave Jake's bathtub. This is nothing new for Jake, as he's been talking to ghosts since he was a boy. He finds real people harder to deal with, like the kid next door who won't stop bugging him about the new game he's developing.

Sofia and Jake know all too well that life isn't a game. They've both lost the person they loved most. But under the watchful eye of the ghostly Doyle and Sofia's new friend Ava, who has abilities of her own, Jake and Sofia decide to take a chance and let in an outsider. Soon they discover that, with a little magic, even the thorniest walls are no match for the innocent trust of a lonely child and the fierce determination of a woman wielding a razor-sharp pruner and a heart big enough to make even the most stubborn flower bloom.

Karen Hawkins is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 26 fun and lively Regency historical romances and two humorous contemporary romances. Like Sabrina Jeffries, Julia Quinn, Victoria Alexander, and Suzanne Enoch, Karen's books are renown for their sparkling humor, dashing rakes, independent heroines, and often include freshly retold fairy tales (Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, etc), daring rescues, runaway brides, marriages of convenience, Regency balls, and more! With vivid descriptions, strong characters, and captivating plots, Karen takes her readers from London's Regency ballrooms to the purpled moors of Scotland and beyond.
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Published 2019-06-17 by Gallery


Published 2019-06-17 by Gallery