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Sebastian Ritscher
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Steven M. Gillon

D-Day Hero

The exciting, fascinating story of Len Lomell, an Army Ranger who on D-Day climbed the steep cliffs at Pointe Du Hoc and almost single-handedly knocked out the big German guns before they could start firing on the American invasion force, and whose later exploits spanned the most dramatic battles of WWII.
LEN LOMELL: D-Day Hero is the stirring, fascinating, action-packed story of Len Lomell, an Army Ranger who performed incredible, heroic actions on D-Day - and throughout WWII - ultimately winning the Distinguished Service Cross, a Silver Star, a Bronze Star. Lomell, who lived in New Jersey for the rest of his life and died in 2011, was later praised by Stephen Ambrose as the single most important person in the success of D-Day after General Eisenhower.

Lomell, who enlisted in the Army in 1942, became an Army Ranger, and was soon sent to England to prepare for the D-Day invasion. At Pointe du Hoc, Lomell and his men were given a mission - to scale the steep cliffs, and disable the big German guns at the top, guns that could otherwise destroy the rest of the D-Day landing fleet. Despite incredible odds, Lomell completed the mission almost single-handedly. That's an amazing story in and of itself, but it doesn't end there - Lomell also fought in Germany, at the Battle of Hurtgen Forest, defending the hilltop against the German Army, saving many lives, and winning yet more accolades. Later in life, he returned home, became a lawyer, and continued to be a role model to so many others.

Steven M. Gillon was able to interview Lomell personally many times, and has taken those interviews, his research, and his incredible, action-packed writing skills to a book that will fascinate WWII readers, and most importantly, bring a brave, heroic, and inspirational story to life.

Steven M. Gillon is the scholar in residence at the History Channel and a professor of history at the University of Oklahoma. He is one of the nation's leading experts on modern American history and politics, and his articles have appeared in academic journals and such newspapers as the Los Angeles Times, New York Daily News, Chicago Tribune, and The Boston Globe. He is a frequent contributor to HuffPost and has made appearances on NBC's Today show, ABC's Good Morning America, CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News as a commentator and expert on issues related to modern American history. He has written or edited nearly a dozen books, including the New York Times bestsellers America's Reluctant Prince: The Life of John F. Kennedy Jr. and The Pact: Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, and the Rivalry That Defined a Generation.
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Published 2023-05-02 by Dutton Caliber