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Knesebeck Verlag
Marc-Frederic Schmid
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Legendary Alps

Bernd Römmelt

/// Living tradition in many as-yet unseen photographs and vivid descriptions /// The fascination of the Alps in unique and atmospheric pictures /// Broad target group: the Alps are one of the most popular travel destination worldwide

Bernd Römmelt captures the magic of the mountains, showing the Alps and their ancient, living cultures as they have never been portrayed before. People wearing archaic masks and wild costumes, the landscape of the Alps through the changing seasons, by day and by night, when an unbelievable calm descends over the mountains – spectacoulus images never seen before. Some of the images were taken during violent thunderstorms, crystal-clear mountain lakes, flower-strewn meadows, rugged gorges and raging waterfalls. However, the book also draws attention to the threat represented by tourism and the overexploitation of the Alps. These fascinating pictures bear witness to the beauty of the mountains and illustrate why so many people are drawn to this magnificent natural and cultural landscape!

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Published 2014-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag

Main content page count: 224 Pages