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Wendy Mass

What if you could step into everyone else's shoes for just one day? Soon-to-be-sixteen Josie Taylor was born on Leap Day, February 29, and now it's her "fourth" birthday. Like every teenager, sometimes she wonders what other people are thinking, but in this unusual novel, You get to find out - by leaping into the minds and viewpoints of Josie and everyone around her. Birthday festivities, school play auditions, her driver's test, a scavenger hunt, and the all-important sweet-sixteen initiation at the lake - these are things that define Josie Taylor today. But what will define her tomorrow and in the days to come are the people who touch her life at every moment. Full of everyday imaginations and truths, LEAP DAY will surprise you in more ways than one. Leap on!
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Published 2023-05-11 by Little, Brown (US)