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Susanne Simor
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Joseph Beuys

Philip Ursprung


Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), on the one hand celebrated as an artist of world fame and on the other hand discredited as a "charlatan", shaped and polarised contemporary art like hardly anyone else. But what role does the man from Kleve, who has become the epitome of contemporary art, play today?

For the 100th birthday of Joseph Beuys, the author embarks on a journey to 24 central works by this productive and quick-witted artist. Beuys went down in art history with catchy slogans such as "Everyone is an artist", "expanded concept of art" or "social sculpture". and intervened in current events as a notorious "frequent speaker" with a claim to improve the world. With his art he wanted to change society: Art meant politics and politics meant art to him. Philip Ursprung impressively succeeds in locating Beuys' works in the social, economic and political context of the Federal Republic of Germany. This new contribution to Beuys allows a better understanding of his decisive actions and projects such as "I like America and America likes me", "How to explain pictures to the dead hare" or "7000 oaks".

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 352 Pages