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Hanser Fachbuch
Gabriele Josiger
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IoT at Home

Peter Hüwe Stephan Hüwe

Develop Smart Gadgets with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266 and Calliope. Included: openHAB, FHEM, Home Assistant and ioBroker

Internet of Things (IoT) for the Home: Develop Your Own Smart Gadgets! Imagine, your fridge senses that the milk jug is empty and automatically orders new milk. The Internet of Things, meaning the connection of items with the Internet, makes this possible. Do you think this is only possible with expensive technology? Don’t worry! Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Calliope etc. will also provide you with access to the world of the IoT. This book tells you everything you need to know in order to develop intelligent gadgets for your home, and do so with a low budget, easy to modify and customizable to your needs.

You will learn,

  • Basic knowledge in electronics, networks and diagram design with Fritzing that you need to have in order to get going smoothly
  • Which microcontroller, single board computer and sensors you can use for your IoT-projects: everything about Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, Calliope etc.
  • How to network your gadgets with open source smart home (openHAB, FHEM, Home Assist, ioBroker etc.)
  • How to use the applicable hard- and software and how to program your smart gadgets 
  • Security measures that must be considered in order to avoid hacker attacks.


The text provides practice-proven examples to inspire your own projects such as a smart mirror that includes a weather app, a fingerprint protected door lock or a digital savings box, based on the crypto currency IOTA. The appropriate programming language is selected according to project and platform, from the very easy graphics supported Calliope programming, Python for Raspberry Pi and C for Arduino. Each project comes with a list of parts that you need and their source. The code can be downloaded from the Internet.


This book is right for you if you are anxious to develop your own smart gadgets. It provides you with the important skills you need in terms of hardware, software and programming.

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Published 2019-05-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446456617

Main content page count: 300 Pages

ISBN: 9783446456617