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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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E.J. Copperman

A New Series from the Author of The Asperger's Mystery Series and The Haunted Guesthouse Series
Sandy Moss thought she could leave criminal law when she left New Jersey and find a new life as a family law attorney in Los Angeles. But her first case at the new ritzy firm she works for is a high profile one, involving the divorce of a Hollywood power couple - and all Sandy's supposed to do is sit and watch.

Instead, the divorce becomes a murder case and Sandy, with criminal experience, is assigned the defense of Patrick McNabb, the
method actor accused of killing his soon to be ex wife with a bow and arrow. Patrick, playing a criminal lawyer on a TV series, thinks every minute spent with Sandy is research into the character he plays. Sandy thinks Patrick is crazy, probably guilty, and
incredibly annoying and charming at the same time. Until she starts getting into the case and realizes her own colleagues are working against her and her life is being threatened...

Jeff Cohen, writing as E.J. Copperman, is a New Jersey native who has written for such publications as The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly, American Baby and USA Weekend. Night of the Living Deed is the first E.J. Copperman novel. It was followed by An Uninvited Ghost, Old Haunts, A Wild Ghost Chase, Chance of a Ghost, An Open Spook, The Thrill of the Haunt, Inspector Specter, Ghost in the Wind and Spouse on Haunted Hill. Cohen, having worked as a newspaper reporter, teacher, magazine editor, and screenwriter, writes stories that combine humor and mystery with just the right amount of spooky supernatural happenings and a large dose of Jersey attitude.
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Published 2021-01-01 by Severn House