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Kyla Scanlon

How Money and Markets Really Work

An illustrated guide to the mad math and terrible terminology of economics, from one of the internet's favorite financial educators.
The stuff you really need to know about how the economy works? It's pretty simple. Yes, even if you were bored to tears in economics class, or if you're cross-eyed from reading painfully convoluted - or straight-up misguided - financial commentary. In this particularly disorienting era, many have turned to a young economic analyst named Kyla Scanlon for answers.

Now, Scanlon is writing a definitive, approachable guide to the key concepts and mechanics of economics and the most common myths and fallacies to steer clear of. Through her trademark blend of creative analogies, clever illustrations, refreshingly lucid languageand even quotes from poetry, literature, and philosophyshe answers questions such as:

What is Fed cred, Fed flexing, and Fedspeak?
Is our national debt really a threat?
What is a "mild" recession, exactly?
What's really happening in the labor market, and how do we improve it for workers?

At a time when experts overcomplicate simple things loudly, choosing to generate smoke rather than clearing the air, In This Economy? shows that understanding the markets - and the systems they operate in - is easier than you think. Whether you're worried about your mortgage rate, job security, bank account balance, or the health of the broader economy, this concise and witty guide will give you the confidence to make smarter financial decisions - no matter what the headlines say.

Kyla Scanlon is a writer and video creator focused on human-centric economic analysis that demystifies the complex and provides context behind the headlines. She is also the founder of the financial education company Bread. Previously, she was an associate at Capital Group, conducting macroeconomic analysis and modeling investment strategies.
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Published 2024-05-28 by Currency


Published 2024-04-30 by Currency


Few people can communicate how the economy actually works better than Kyla Scanlon.

Kyla's singular style is approachable, witty, and endlessly informative, helping readers decipher everything from the labor force to housing to what Jay Powell's thinking.

Kyla is a master at explaining even the most complex and arcane subjects with verve, wit and creativity - whether it's the mechanics of the US debt ceiling, the 'vibecession' or the nuances of meme investing. We're lucky we have Kyla around to show us how it all works.

Arabic: Jarir Bookstore ; Chinese (simpl.): China Machine Press ; UK/BC; Ebury/PRH UK