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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Eileen Wilks

In this urban fantasy novella set in New York Times bestselling author Eileen Wilks’s world of the lupi, a family holiday provides respite from an ongoing war—but not without a few skirmishes of its own...
Benedict would do anything to make Arjenie happy, even spend Christmas meeting her large, Wiccan, entirely human family. As a lupi warrior who’s lived most of his life at Clanhome, Benedict is more than a little nervous. He isn’t used to fitting in with humans, let alone a family who celebrates the Wiccan holiday of Yule.

Benedict even asked his brother for advice about clothes, hoping to create the right impression. So it's a shame that things go wrong from the moment he steps out of the car...

Eileen Wilks was born in the dusty little town of Monahans, Texas to the usual number of parents. She's done a lot of wandering since then, having lived in Canada and Venezuela as well as twelve U.S. cities in five states. She wandered a lot professionally, too, before finding her home in writing. A three-time finalist (update: now a four-time finalist!) in RWA's prestigious RITA contest, she is the recipient of a Career Achievement Award from Romantic Times.
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Published 2015-09-15 by Intermix


Published 2015-09-15 by Intermix