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Morfemplus publishing
Peter Kealjic
Original language

How the Lie Grew

Suzi Bricelj Helena Kraljič

translated into English by Jason Blake

How the Lie Grew is about a little boy who lied to his parents. He asked them for money to pay for guitar lessons, but instead used the money to buy a model car. And this first, innocent, lie grew by the day until it began to smother him. The parents are proud of their little guitarist. Grandma's proud of him and even buys him a guitar of his own. His uncle is proud of him and buys him a guitar stand. But the lie is revealed at his father’s birthday party when all guests want that Ben plays on the guitar. Though Ben is ashamed, at the same time he feels relieved because the heavy weight he has been carrying around has finally rolled off his chest.
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Published by Morfem

Main content page count: 32 Pages