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Susanne Simor
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History of German Literature 1830 – 1870

Peter Sprengel

Vormärz – Nachmärz - History of German Literature volume 8

The standard work on German literary history - the new volume The period between the July Revolution of 1830 and the foundation of the German Empire was also marked by sharp contrasts in German literature. Peter Sprengel describes in this fulminant history of this era the literary movements from the end of the classic-romantic "Kunstperiode", the era of Young Germany and the pre-March protest to Bourgeois or Poetic Realism.

Büchner's "Danton’s Death" and Stifter's "Indian Summer", Heine's "The Harz Journey" and Fontane's "Ballads" - in their diversity, these works are milestones of an often underestimated, exciting epoch. Peter Sprengel embeds the development of new literary styles, forms and themes in a broad cultural-historical panorama ranging from America’s opening to Wagner's "Ring of the Nibelung". He pays particular attention to the close interrelation between literature and politics in Prussia, Austria and the other states of the German Confederation as well as Switzerland. The literary life of the time was shaped by circles of poets and scandals as well as by the prosecution and exile of numerous writers. All in all, Peter Sprengel paints an exciting picture of an era that was in danger of being shattered by the tension between Biedermeier and revolution, between the reference to the past and progressiveness, while at the same time laying essential foundations for the development towards modernity.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 800 Pages