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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Serena B. Miller

When Amish widow Claire Shetler is attracted to the man who caused her fiancé’s death, they must both heal deep wounds to discover God’s hidden mercies.
At seventeen, Tom Miller smashed his car into a tree, killing his brother only four hours before he was scheduled to marry Claire Shetler. Unable to live with his father’s bottomless grief and anger, Tom left the Amish church, ran away, and joined the Marines. Twenty-seven years later, Tom returns to Mt. Hope, Ohio, a wounded, decorated Marine helicopter pilot, and rents an apartment over Claire's workshop. A widowed Amish midwife, Claire is struggling to support her family, and despite her unresolved anger toward Tom, she sees the money as a Godsend. She never dreams that she will end up falling in love with a battle-scarred soldier.

As Claire and Tom fight their way through the traumas of the past, they discover the tender mercies God has hidden along the way—one of which is a loving father who has been praying for his prodigal son to come home.
Prior to writing novels, Serena Miller wrote for many periodicals, including Woman’s World, Guideposts, Billy Graham’s Decision Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Focus on the Family, Christian Woman, and The Detroit Free Press Magazine. She has spent many years partnering with her husband in full-time ministry and lives on a farm in southern Ohio near a thriving Amish community.
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Published 2013-04-09 by Howard Books


Published 2013-04-09 by Howard Books