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Fritz Agency
Christian Dittus
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Cynthia Eden

Wild Ways #6

t was the hottest hookup of her life. When Tess Barrett spent the night in the arms of the too sexy to be real stranger, she knew she was walking on the wild side. Sex with James Smith was the best EVER. How was she supposed to walk away from that? From him? So - she didn't. They planned secret dates....

Author's Note: James Smith is one mad, bad, dangerous guy - but sometimes, bad guys fall hard for good girls. GHOST OF A CHANCE is super hot, charged with lots of feels, and, it's got some pulse-pounding action for you. Dirty words and dirty deeds are dead ahead. Oh, and there's plenty of fun thrown in, too. Mystery, humor, sexy times, and danger - all of my favorite things in a book
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Published 2020-01-01 by Hocus Pocus Publishing