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Delius Klasing Foreign Rights
Marlene Sturm
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Fridays for Future

(Could - Would - Should) Do it. Now!

A sign says more than a thousand words: The best posters against climate change

"Skolstrejk för klimated" - school strike for the climate. With this poster, a young girl in front of the Swedish parliament building in Stockholm expresses for the first time her displeasure about the inaction of politics and society on climate change. From then on fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg leads a worldwide protest movement: Fridays for Future. Every Friday, numerous young people demonstrate for climate protection and against environmental destruction. Their colorful, creative, anarchic and memorable demo signs are compiled in this illustrated book.

The unique collection in this book, which was produced in collaboration with Fridays for Future activists, illustrates the emotional and political implications of the movement. In addition to the emotional climate posters, climate researchers and experts have their say and explain the background and facts about climate change.

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Published 2023-08-29 by Delius Klasing , ISBN: 9783667118202

Main content page count: 176 Pages

ISBN: 9783667118202