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Free Food supplied by Nature

120 pages ● many colour photographs ● softcover ● trim size 183 x 225 mm ● retail price: € 14.99 ● ISBN 978-3-96664-174-6 ● Publication: April 2021

In former times people have reverted to a much greater extend to free food supplied by nature itself. These days‘ rediscovery of free food is however not necessarily due to frugality alone. For while collecting plants, herbs and fruits, one may perfectly enjoy the natural surroundings, and your receipts can oftentimes be prepared freshly at the time their content of beneficial ingredients such as vitamins and flavours is at its peak.

Thus, one may be able to experience whole new tastes of flavour which have been long since forgotten.

This book will enable you to safely determine all kinds of plants, know their ingredients and their effects (such as antihypertensive impacts or subserving metabolism), and will finally supply dozens of delicious recipes for soups, salads, vegetables, jelly, teas, liquors or bakery.


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Published 2021-04-01 by HEEL Verlag , ISBN: 9783966641746

Main content page count: 120 Pages

ISBN: 9783966641746