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Catherine Fragou
Original language
Greek, Modern (1453-)

First men

Sofronis Sofroniou

English extracts available

Any close resemblance to reality is not just a coincidence. In the novel of the newly appearing Sofronis Sofroniou, real-time (historical) and imaginary personalities are crossing paths as the plot keeps traveling through space (Cyprus, Amsterdam, New York) and time (21st , 20th, 19th, 16th century). The story is tight and it keeps running through with an enormous speed as sensuality is battling ascetism and literary fiction digs deeply into the historical underground. The central figure of the novel is Antonios Leontiou (1896-1947), the man who would afterwards become the bishop of Cyprus, is a symbol of the author’s concern regarding his country. The flow of his tormented life gets interrupted by Arthur Rimbaud, Paul the Apostle, Francois Villon, Jeronimo Bosch, Marika Papagkika, the ethnomusicologist Alan Lomax, the folk musician Ali Peske, several sects, the anonymous mob and his very own killer. On the threshold of history and fantasy, people get taught life lessons through violent means, trying to find out if their actions are self-inflicted or effectuated by external forces. Poetry, music and Painting are omnipresent throughout the novel.
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Published 2023-05-30 by RODAKIO

Main content page count: 368 Pages
