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Hanser Fachbuch
Gabriele Josiger
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Reiner Neumann

How Our Behavior is Controlled – How We Can Make Better Choices on the Job

Distorted, Selective or Simply Wrong: How to Recognize Thought Patterns, How to Break Them in Order to Solve Problems and Make Better Decisions. We all know this situation: we just finished a meeting. We think we all came to a wonderful consensus and conclusion, but one participant asks a seemingly insignif-icant comprehension question…. All of a sudden it becomes obvious that nothing is clear, everybody interprets the speech differently and there are differing de-grees of truth.

We are forming our world based on a number of influences on all levels, from the neuronal to the social level. We all view the world differently, depending on our preconceptions, learning history and momentary influences. In the context of collaboration this can lead to conflicts and bad decisions that have fatal consequences. 


On the other hand, these differing interpretations of the world can possibly lead to entirely new solutions of problems and to truly better decisions; which could be of an unforeseen benefit given the digital disruption.


This guide addresses those of us who strive to recognize and control self-delusion. This self-recognition allows us to realize what is going wrong in the team and how real synergy can be created.

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Published 2019-05-01 by Hanser , ISBN: 9783446457447

Main content page count: 220 Pages

ISBN: 9783446457447