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Claire Harris
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Carrie Goldberg

Fighting Pychos, Stalkers, Pervs and Trolls

Nobody's Victim is an unflinching look at a hidden world most people don't know exists - one of stalking, blackmail, and sexual violence, online and off - and the incredible story of how one lawyer, determined to fight back, turned her own hell into a revolution.
"We are all a moment away from having our life overtaken by somebody hell-bent on our destruction." That grim reality - gleaned from personal experience and twenty years of trauma work - is a fundamental principle of Carrie Goldberg's cutting-edge victims' rights law firm.

Riveting and an essential timely conversation-starter, Nobody's Victim invites readers to join Carrie on the front lines of the war against sexual violence and privacy violations as she fights for revenge porn and sextortion laws, uncovers major Title IX violations, and sues the hell out of tech companies, schools, and powerful sexual predators. Her battleground is the courtroom; her crusade is to transform clients from victims into warriors.

In gripping detail, Carrie shares the diabolical ways her clients are attacked and how she, through her unique combination of advocacy, badass relentlessness, risk-taking, and client-empowerment, pursues justice for them all. There are stories about a woman whose ex-boyfriend made fake bomb threats in her name and caused a national panic; a fifteen-year-old girl who was sexually assaulted on school grounds and then suspended when she reported the attack; and a man whose ex-boyfriend used a dating app to send more than 1,200 men to ex's home and work for sex. With breathtaking honesty, Carrie also shares her own shattering story about why she began her work and the uphill battle of building a business.

While her clients are a diverse group - from every gender, sexual orientation, age, class, race, religion, occupation, and background - the offenders are not. They are highly predictable. In this book, Carrie offers a taxonomy of the four types of offenders she encounters most often at her firm: assholes, psychos, pervs, and trolls. "If we recognize the patterns of these perpetrators," she explains, "we know how to fight back."

Deeply personal yet achingly universal, Nobody's Victim is a bold and much-needed analysis of victim protection in the era of the Internet. This book is an urgent warning of a coming crisis, a predictor of imminent danger, and a weapon to take back control and protect ourselvesboth online and off.
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Published 2019-08-13 by Plume


Published 2019-08-13 by Plume


Nobody's Victim provides the raw honesty that we desperately need as we examine how the Internet age has upended everyday life. Only Carrie Goldberg could tell this powerful, compelling, and lucid story, which gives voice to so many people who have experienced unimaginable harms. As policymakers debate how to make the Internet--and the world--a safer place, I hope that Nobody's Victim will be at the top of their reading list.

We need more warriors like Carrie using the law to help take down sexual predators and the institutions that protect them.

This badass lawyer fights for victims of ‘revenge porn’

A timely, necessary and uniquely authoritative book about the modern-day scourges of on-line harassment, stalking, sextortion, and non-consensual porn--and how to fight them. But her book is also a strikingly honest memoir and a riveting read. The stories she tells illuminate real horrors, as well as real bravery--her own and that of the people she represents.

Carrie Goldberg is a pioneer in the field of sexual privacy, using the law to defend victims of hacking, leaking, and other online assaults. Read more...

photoshoot and profile (exclusive): Revenge Porn Lawyer Carrie Goldberg Has Taken On Psychos, Stalkers, and Trolls. Now She Confronts Her Own Worst Demons ... Read more...

Nobody's Victim is one of Esquire's Best Books of Summer 2019: "In the age of doxxing, revenge porn, and misogynist trolls, this book from Goldberg, a victims' rights lawyer litigating against online harassment, is required reading...." Read more...

This is an illuminating and significant window into the present state of victims' rights and a potentially powerful resource for readers dealing with abuse or harassment.

Fighting Harassers and Stalkers on the Web, in Court and in Print... Read more...

When Carrie Goldberg was harassed online by a vengeful ex-boyfriend, she vowed to become the lawyer she wished she’d had. Now she’s the world expert on revenge porn and has clients as young as 13. Read more...

Engrossing and unique, this is an important addition to the canon of #MeToo-era social science tomes.

A significant book that will hopefully spark change.

Carrie Goldberg is a warrior against trolls and misogynists, as she bravely details in Nobody's Victim. The experiences of Carrie's clients may boil your blood--but beneath these known statistics is the reality that most harassment remains unseen, unreported, and legal. Nobody's Victim is a call to arms against abusers, and a reminder that survivors of gendered violence are not alone in their fight.

Attorney Carrie Goldberg Is Fighting the Good Fight Against Online Harassment Read more...

Thoroughly researched and with shocking anecdotes from Carrie and her clients, Nobody's Victim is an indispensable work for anyone who wants to understand how we got here and, more importantly, what we need to do to fight back. Part memoir and part manifesto, Nobody's Victim is thoughtful, urgent, and impossible to put down.