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Susanne Simor
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Escape into Storytelling

Jonas Lüscher

A Poetic

How do we experience the world and ourselves in it? In which language, with which signs and models and on what basis do we explain them to ourselves? And which forms of explanation and which models have prevailed, at least in the West, and why?

For Jonas Lüscher, who is one of the most respected authors of contemporary literature with "Barbarians’ Spring" and "Kraft", these are very personal questions. They concern his own writing. And they were important for his decision to leave the university world behind, but is still not able to rely merely on a complete immersion in the narrative of his literary work. In this book Lüscher develops his idea of narration as a descriptive knowledge of the individual case which nevertheless cannot escape the principles of order. And because he is concerned with questions of power he expressly deals with the subject of committed literature. A fascinating book about what only literature can do.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 112 Pages