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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Robb Mommaerts Emily Chenoweth John Bemelmans Marciano

Klawde is not your basic cat. He's an emperor from another planet, exiled to Earth. He's cruel. He's cunning. He's brilliant... and he's also Raj Banerjee's best friend.
Klawde and Raj are back! As summer turns to fall, our favorite warlord cat remains in his pitiful exiled existence. But Raj has an even scarier prospect than cosmic exile: starting at a new school.

And if things didn't seem complicated enough, both cat and human are confronted with two figures from their past they did not expect to pop up in Elba, Oregon...

Heavily illustrated, with a hilarious, biting voice that switches between Raj's and Klawde's perspectives, this is the story of an unlikely friendship that emerges as two fish out of water continue to find their footing in strange new worlds.

Johnny Marciano is a New York Times-bestselling author and illustrator. He has written non-fiction books for all ages such as Anonyponymous, while his work for children includes The Witches of Benevento Series, The No-Good Nine, and Madeline at the White House. Johnny lives in Headquarters, NJ, with his wife, nine-year-old daughter, two cats, and a dog.

Emily Chenoweth is the author of Hello Goodbye and the ghostwriter of several young adult New York Times bestsellers. Under the name Emily Raymond, she has co-authored eight books with James Patterson, including First Love, Expelled, and Witch & Wizard: The Lost. She lives in Portland, Oregon, with her partner, the writer Jon Raymond, and their two daughters.

Robb Mommaerts is an illustrator living and working in the frigid state of Wisconsin. He hasn't changed much from his childhood years in the fact that he still mostly loves drawing monsters, dinosaurs, and robots. From his basement dungeon, he works primarily in the world of game art, children's books, character design, and comics. When not attempting to put the strange daydreams from his head to paper, he and his wife are trying to keep up with two kids and a dog.
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Published 2019-02-26 by Penguin Workshop


Published 2019-02-26 by Penguin Workshop