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Susanne Simor
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Eight days in May

Volker Ullrich

The last week of the Third Reich

The last week of the Third Reich has begun. Hitler is dead, but the war is not over. Everything seems to come to a standstill, and yet everything is in breathless motion. Volker Ullrich describes this "timeless time" day after day, taking the reader into a collapsing world full of drama and hope, violence and fear. His book is an unforgettable journey through time, a journey into destruction.
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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 317 Pages


"... with Volker Ullrich this final phase of the Third Reich has been given a clever and thoughtful chronicler."

"Ullrich has written a captivating book that, 75 years later, tells the next generation relentlessly about where political madness and moral decay, violence and war leads."

"A fascinatingly narrated book about the end of the Second World War, in which the historian Ullrich also describes lesser-known events. A book that puts our current worries into perspective."