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The French Revolution

Hans-Ulrich Thamer

The epochal event of the French Revolution has profoundly marked the political and social developments of countries far beyond French borders.

She became the motor of constitutional change and of the development of liberal political cultures. Hans-Ulrich Thamer gives an account of causes, development and consequences and presents the main actors and their motives. The book explains important mechanisms of the revolution, including the special role of the Parisian metropolis, the revolutionaries’ wrestling for a constitution as well as the bloody reign of terror.

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Published 2023-07-13T13:46:54.206Z by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406801907

Main content page count: 124 Pages

ISBN: 9783406801907


Published by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406733970

Main content page count: 123 Pages

ISBN: 9783406733970