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Depression in Childhood and Adolescence

Christiane Nevermann Hannelore Reicher

Recognize - Understand - Help

When children are prone to depression: A guide for parents and educators

Depressive disorders already exist in childhood and adolescence! They range from mild states of sadness to severe clinical depression. In this book, two proven experts describe the whole range of depressive disorders, together with answers to central questions.

What signals can parents and educators use to recognise depression in children and adolescents at an early stage? What means are there to help them out of their developmental crises? What role do friends, parents and teachers play in the prevention, coping and therapy of depressive disorders in children and adolescents? And which institutions provide advice and help? An important book for parents, teachers and educators as well as for psychologists, social pedagogues and therapists.

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Published by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 270 Pages