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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Richard Larson

The gripping sequel to Rich Larson's beautiful and gut-wrenching debut Annex about two outsiders surviving, fighting back, and finding family at the end of the world.
The invasion is over, but not all the aliens are gone. As the outside world learns what happened to the city, Violet and Bo struggle to keep their ally Gloom hidden from prying eyes.

Those in power believe he is the key to unlocking the invaders' technology, and will stop at nothing to capture him.
All the while, the invasion's survivors are being drawn to a mysterious anomaly that might be their destruction -- or their salvation from an even greater threat.

Rich Larson was born in Galmi, Niger, has studied in Rhode Island and worked in the south of Spain, and now lives in Ottawa, Canada. Since he began writing in 2011, he's sold over a hundred stories, the majority of them speculative fiction published in magazines like Asimov's, Analog, Clarkesworld, F&SF, Lightspeed, and His work appears in numerous Year's Best anthologies and has been translated into Chinese, Vietnamese, Polish, French and Italian.
Besides writing, he enjoys travelling, learning languages, playing soccer, watching basketball, shooting pool, and dancing salsa and kizomba.
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Published 2019-12-03 by Orbit


Published 2019-12-03 by Orbit