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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Nicki Pau Preto

Pitched as Eragon meets The Winner's Curse, in which a teenage girl runs away from her controlling sister and disguises herself as a boy to join a secret group of nearly extinct warriors who ride into battle on the backs of phoenixes, as the ruling Empire sets out to destroy them.
I had a sister, once...
In a world ruled by fierce warrior queens, a grand empire was built upon the backs of Phoenix Riders, legendary warriors who soared through the sky on wings of fire until a war between two sisters ripped it all apart.

I promised her the throne would not come between us.
Sixteen years later, Veronyka is a war orphan who dreams of becoming a Phoenix Rider like the heroes of old. After a shocking betrayal from her controlling sister, Veronyka strikes out alone to find the Riders even if that means disguising herself as a boy to join their ranks.

But it is a fact of life that one must kill or be killed. Rule or be ruled.
Just as Veronyka finally feels like she belongs, her sister turns up and reveals a tangled web of lies between them that will change everything. And meanwhile, the new empire has learned of the Riders' return and intends to destroy them once and for all.

Sometimes the title of queen is given. Sometimes it must be taken.

Crown of Feathers is an epic fantasy about love's incredible power to save or to destroy. Interspersed throughout is the story of Avalkyra Ashfire, the last Rider queen, who would rather see her empire burn than fall into her sister's hands.
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Published 2019-02-12 by Simon Pulse


Published 2019-02-12 by Simon Pulse


A fierce and incendiary tale of warrior women, sisterhood, and the choices that define us, all set in a soaring new world that readers will fall in love with. I couldn't put it down.

The unique and imaginative world of the Phoenix Riders had my rapt attention from the first sentence. Nicki Pau Preto is a bright new talent, and I can't wait to read more!

Crown of Feathers captured my imagination and filled my senses. I wanted to become a Phoenix Rider and live in this world. Nicki Pau Preto is an author to watch!

Paste Magazine has just revealed the US jacket for CROWN OF FEATHERS. There is also a nice short piece by Nicki describing how she felt when she first saw it. Read more...