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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


Lucy Dixon

Can you trust a stranger's online dating profile? And can you be sure they are a stranger? CHOKED is the story of a single mum's step into the murky world of online dating as the traumatic past she thought she had left behind catches up with her.

Lucy studied for the MA in Crime Fiction Writing at UEA and was the winner of the inaugural New Anglia Manuscript Prize for her unpublished debut novel, CHOKED. She is a single mum and her (mainly awful) experiences of online dating initially gave her the idea for writing a thriller exploring the unfathomable personas that people adopt online. Lucy has worked as a journalist and editor for almost 20 years, writing about everything from construction to parenting, editing several trade magazines and also hosting a podcast.
In 2018, Lucy spent almost six months in hospital with a neurological condition and had to learn to walk again, which is still very much a work in progress. More recently, she has worked on the content team at Netmums and now looks after its social media and forum. In her (limited) spare time, Lucy likes walking (badly) on Kessingland beach with her dogs and, of course, consuming as many crime dramas, books and podcasts as possible.


‘A twisty, pacy tale about escaping the shadows of grief, guilt, and gendered violence.'

‘A twisty, dark and well-plotted tale of online dating in which a woman's past comes back to haunt her. Captivating — a brilliant and accomplished debut — I can't wait to see what Lucy writes next!'

‘Twisty, shifty and unexpected, CHOKED will make you want to come up for air.'

‘Lucy brings together sharply drawn characters and a vivid sense of place that could not be anywhere other than our region with an absolutely gripping plot that will really speak to readers.'