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China and the Silk Road

Thomas O. Höllmann

Culture and History from the Early Imperial Period to the Present

The Silk Road, which connects East Asia with the Mediterranean, has become the epitome of early globalization. Thomas O. Höllmann looks at this network of routes steeped in legend from the vantage point of China, describing in great clarity how people traveled and how goods and ideas were conveyed on it. An outlook clearly illustrates how China is relying on the symbolic capital of the old routes with its New Silk Road.

Envoys, traders, missionaries, and adventurers had been using the Silk Road since ancient times. On this overland route, they crossed threatening deserts like the Taklamakan, traversed towering mountain ranges like the Pamir, and spent time in bustling oasis towns like Bukhara, Samarkand, and Turpan. Testament to this are innumerable archaeological findings that have only been analyzed in recent decades. Thomas O. Höllmann utilizes these findings together with historiographical sources, gripping travel accounts, and vivid poems to reconstruct which goods made their way to China, how Buddhism and other religions were received in the Middle Kingdom, and why it was from there that key technologies, above all paper and the printing press, embarked upon their march of victory across the entire world. His book traces the economic foundations, political motives, and cultural conditions of this exchange and paints a fascinating picture of what globalization meant for a period of around two thousand years.

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Published 2022-02-17 by C.H.Beck , ISBN: 9783406781667

Main content page count: 528 Pages

ISBN: 9783406781667