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Susanne Simor
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Charles V

Heinz Schilling

The Emperor whose World was Shattered

Power and Powerlessness of an Emperor - Heinz Schilling's Masterful Biography Charles V is the most powerful ruler of his time - and the most powerless at the same time. The sun does not set in his empire, but he cannot shape it according to his will. Nor does he succeed in stopping the great division of the Church, which broke the unity of the Christian world.

In this biography, Heinz Schilling describes how the emperor did everything in his power between the epochs to stop the course of time - and in the end, failed and humiliated, withdrew from the world into the loneliness of the Spanish Extremadura.

Heinz Schilling's biography liberates Charles V from the Habsburg myth of the 19th century and takes him back to his historical world - the culturally rich Burgundy of his youth and Spain with the Atlantic Overseas Space. This book also traces the secluded man Charles with his short love relationships, and his underestimated artistic side. It situates him in the religious battles of his times and portrays him as a deeply religious person - comparable to Luther. Above all, however, Schilling shows the tragedy of power: a peace politician at heart, the emperor rarely leaves the military camp during his reign feeling obliged to dynastic and religious goals he can no longer achieve.

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Published 2023-05-22 by C.H.Beck

Main content page count: 448 Pages