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Chris Guillebeau

How to Find the Work You Were Meant to Do

There’s a method for finding your perfect job, and Chris Guillebeau, the bestselling author of The $100 Startup, has created a practical guide for how to do it—whethe rwithin a traditional company or business, or by striking out on your own.
To the outside observer, it seems like they’ve won the career lottery—that by some stroke of luck or circumstance, they’ve found the one thing they love so much that it doesn’t even feel like work, and they’re getting paid well to do it.

In reality, their good fortune has nothing to do with chance. There’s a method for finding your perfect job, and Chris Guillebeau, the bestselling author of The $100 Startup, has created a practical guide for how to do it—whethe rwithin a traditional company or business, or by striking out on your own.

Finding the work you were “born to do” isn’t just about discovering your passion. Doing what brings you joy is great, but if you aren’t earning a living, it’s a hobby, not a career. And those who jump out of bed excited to go to work every morning don’t just have jobs that turn their passions into paychecks. They have jobs where they also can lose themselves for hours in the flow of meaningful work.

This intersection of joy, money, and flow is what Guillebeau will help you find in this book. Through inspiring stories of those who have successfully landed their dream career, as well as actionable tools, exercises, and thought experiments, he’ll guide you through today’s vast menu of career options to discover the work perfectly suited to your unique interests, skills, and experiences.

You’ll learn how to:
• Hack the job of your dreams within a traditional organization by making it work for you
• Find not only your ideal work but also your ideal working conditions
• Create plans that will allow you to take smarter career risks and “beat the house” every time
• Start a profitable “side hustle” and earn extra cash on top of your primary stream of income
• Escape the prison of working for someone else and build a mini-empire as an entrepreneur
• Become a rock star at any creative endeavor by creating a loyal base of fans and followers

Whichever path you choose, this book will show you how to find that one job or career that feels so right, it’s like you were born to do it.

CHRIS GUILLEBEAU is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The $100 Startup and The Happiness of Pursuit, and is creator and host of the annual World Domination Summit, a gathering of cultural creatives that attracts such speakers as Susan Cain, Brené Brown, and Gretchen Rubin. Guillebeau speaks at dozens of events, companies, and universities, including Google, Facebook, SXSW, Evernote, LeWeb, and more. He recently completed a personal quest to visit every country in the world (193/193).
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Published 2016-04-05 by Crown Business


Published 2016-04-05 by Crown Business


Intensely practical and packed with real-life examples, Born for This is the essential guide for a career that will bring you not just a paycheck but true happiness.

You were born to read this book--and use the powerful insights it shares to do work that wows all witnesses. And lifts the world by its impact.

Born for This is chock-full of inspiring yet practical advice to develop new streams of business, build your fan base, and invent the job of your dreams. If you’re looking for someone to help you find your footing on the new frontier of work, Chris Guillebeau is your man.

Someone’s going to say this, so let me be the first: Chris Guillebeau was born to write this book. He’s delivered an inspirational and absurdly useful step-by-step guide to finding—or creating—your dream job.

Macmillan: UK, Companhia das Letras: Brazil, Editorial Sirio: Spain, Gilbut Publishers: Korea, WeLearn Co.: Thailand

Seven years ago, I sat in awe reading a blog from some guy named Chris Guillebeau. I couldn’t believe the hope and hustle he was writing about while I sat there stuck in a cubicle. Seven years later, he’s still a sage guide to me and millions of others who love the books he writes. If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What should I do next?’ read this book!

It takes real courage to overcome the inertia of your current life to create something better. But it’s much easier to take that step toward positive change when you have a plan. Chris Guillebeau not only provides hope that passion for your work is possible, he lays out a practical path to pursuing a better career/life fit.


Figuring out our highest point of contribution at work is not ‘one more thing to do’—it is the very work of our professional life. Wherever you are on that journey,Born for This will give you a mind-set and skill-set for accelerating the whole adventure.

Chris Guillebeau makes getting your dream job seem less of a dream and more of a reality. Through actionable tools and inspiring advice, Born for This is a must-read for those yearning to find that perfect career path.