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Fletcher Agency
Yona Levin
Original language


Heather Chavez

After surviving violence as a teenager, Julia Clarke has worked hard to create a stable life for daughter Cora. So when Cora finally leaves the nest for an elite college in California, the worst Julia expects is an argument with her ex-husband and his new wife, Brie. But the careful life Julia has built for herself is shattered by a sudden sniper’s attack on campus on move-in day. Brie is fatally shot, and only Julia’s quick reaction keeps Cora from being killed, too. 

Ren Petrovic is a pregnant, poison-obsessed assassin. She didn’t pull the trigger, but she knows who did: her husband, Nolan. What she doesn’t know is why Nolan has broken their code by not telling her about the job in advance. As Ren looks into the attack—and the possible motive behind it—she grows increasingly intrigued by Julia. Why did this suburban mom react so expertly to the gunfire?

Meanwhile, Julia has her own questions: If the shooting was random, why weren’t any other families hurt? Is her daughter still at risk? And why is she being followed?

Julia and Ren both want answers — but searching for them could prove deadly. One of them is a hired killer, but the other is a determined survivor. And both will defend their families no matter the cost. Before She Finds Me by Heather Chavez is a thrilling, pulse-pounding page turner featuring a fantastic cast of characters and twists at every turn.

Heather is a graduate of the University of California, Berkeley’s English literature program and has worked as a newspaper reporter, editor, and contributor to mystery and television blogs. She lives with her family in Santa Rosa, California. She’s the author of the thrillers No Bad Deed and Blood Will Tell, both with William Morrow.

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Published by Little Brown/Mulholland Books