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Samantha Rose Rebecca Rosen

10 Steps to Ignite Your Life and Fulfill Your Divine Purpose

With a unique and refreshing blend of self-help, wisdom, and spiritual insight, Rebecca Rosen helps us “wake up” and start living our lives with divine intention and purpose.
We all want to be happy and fulfilled. We want to understand the very point of our lives—why we’re here and what we’re meant to do. Yet, when we think about how to get from here to there and answer life’s “Big” questions, so many of us don't know where to begin. The advice from so many different people and sources can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. In Awaken the Spirit Within, acclaimed author and spiritual medium Rebecca Rosen offers us an inspired and invigorating prescriptive program to give our lives clarity and deeper meaning. With Rebecca’s down-to-earth and conversational style, this book will help you learn how to: • Create more peace and fulfillment in your personal relationships • Gain confidence in your natural talents and abilities • Succeed in greater degrees at your job • Develop financial abundance and prosperity • Conquer addictions and negative thinking • Find freedom from weight struggles and poor body image • Gain the clarity to make the “right” choices and decisions for your life Bold claims? Yes. But when it comes to Rebecca Rosen, you’ll understand just after a few pages, why has told its readers to “Take her advice seriously.” Rebecca Rosen has appeared on Dr. Phil, Ellen, The Rachel Ray Show, Megan Mullally, Rosie, and Entertainment Tonight and currently has a 30-minute television show in development. She is a spiritual medium, serving as a bridge between the living and those who have crossed over to the other side.Her client list includes Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, and many other celebrity clients from around the world.
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Published 2013-08-20 by Harmony Books


Published 2013-08-20 by Harmony Books


A very pragmatic friend of ours first told us about Rebecca Rosen. His experience was so profound, he wanted everyone to know about her work. I booked an appointment right away and eagerly awaited our session. When the day finally came and I had my reading with Rebecca, the main theme that came through for me was that as my life is changing gears, I need to get clarity about what I want this next phase to look like. Only then would I be able to manifest what I want. I think at some point we all realize that what we want is to be an expression of God’s love and light. This book gives tools how to do that. Thanks Rebecca!

Awaken the Spirit Within is a magnificent effort to give a hand up to everyone who wants to enrich their spiritual life. Rebecca gives practical steps to increase your intuition, better understand the universe and how you relate to it, and even, how to connect with the other side. I love this book and am so thankful to have read it!

After attending several of Rebecca Rosens's group readings, and then having one of my own, I would read any book Rebecca wrote and listen to anything she has to say. She is mind blowingly connected to things which I can't explain, and it thrills me beyond imagination. I read Awaken The Spirit on my birthday recently, and it is a gift that keeps on giving. Don't miss out on the experience of knowing what she knows. We are lucky to have her as a teacher.

Rebecca Rosen is a talented and authentic medium. In her new book, Awaken the Spirit Within, Rebecca helps readers reconnect with their inner guidance system. This book is a empowering guide to your genuine truth, authentic power, and sustainable peace.