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Athenea and the Elements: The Eye of Nefertiti

Jesús Cañadas

Middle Grade Series (Five Books, Vol. 1)

We see „Atenea y los elementos“ as a fantasy series for the next generation of rebel girls. A colorful adventure full of fancy characters, giving a timely and inspiring message to young readers from 10

The Eye of Nefertiti is an adventure for young readers, a crazy story full of egyptian mummies, ghosts and curses, told in a caricaturesque and witty style, packed with images and action. The heroes are Thea, i.e. „Athenea“ von Hammerstein and Mehdi Firat, two children at the age of twelve who have to return the ghost of Nefertiti to her sarcophagus from where, unable to rest, she has escaped and hijacked the body of Thea’s mother. Thea is the youngest offspring of a line of famous archeologists, Mehdi is the son of Thea’s nurse, a Turkish sorcerer. Both children receive a message in Berlin where they are living, in the early twenties of the past century. The prologue and the first chapter remind the reader of the adventures of Tintin and Indiana Jones, and deliberately so, as the story develops very much in the style of a cartoon, with evil demons who attack the children and gruesome mummies who are willing to take lives by the dozen, with Thea and Mehdi joining Thea’s father and grandfather in their fight against evil. A fight they will surely win!