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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
Original language


Kevin Sherry Linda Lombardi

Boozing Bees, Cheating Chimps, Dogs with Guns, and Other Beastly True Tales

There's a lot that animals don't want you to know, and the better their public image, the worse their secrets are: gang-rapist dolphins; lazy, infanticidal lions; and, of course, our own dogs, who eat our money, set our houses on fire, and in more than one case, actually shoot their owners with guns.
Animals Behaving Badly shows that animals are just like us: gluttonous, selfish, violent, lustful, and always looking out for number one. Using anecdotes from the news and from scientific research, Linda Lombardi pokes fun at our softhearted preconceptions about animals, makes us feel a little better about humanity's basest impulses, and painlessly teaches us a bit more about our furry and feathered friends.
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Published 2011-10-01 by Perigee


Published 2011-10-01 by Perigee