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Animal Architecture

Jürgen Tautz Ingo Arndt

Preface by Jim Brandenburg

/// Stunning insight into the architectural ability of animals

Over a period of two years, Ingo Arndt travels around the world in pursuit of his motifs. He takes pictures of the mounds, up to two meters tall, created by tiny wood

ants in their indigenous woodlands as well as the colorfully decorated mating arenas of

bowerbirds in West Papua; he presents enormous beaver dams in North America or

previously unknown termite fields in Australia. Besides their dwellings, the different animals, the builders, are shown. Interesting information about biology and numerous fascinating stories about animal architects, including their applied construction principles and tricks feature beneath the stunning phtography. Did you know, that when spiders make their webs they adhere to genetically determined blueprints? Or that compass termites align their mounds exactly with the position of the sun? The book surprise with answers to these and other questions.

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Published 2013-09-01 by Knesebeck Verlag , ISBN: 783868735680

Main content page count: 160 Pages

ISBN: 783868735680