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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Sebastian Ritscher
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Tyler Cowen

New Rules for Everyday Foodies

AN ECONOMIST GETS LUNCH is a fascinating read that takes a wide scope, global look at the American food economy (which is, in itself, international).
Tyler Cowen is a Professor of Economics at George Mason University, blogs at's the "best blogger in the universe" according to the authors of Freakanomics-- and he wrote Create Your Own Economy (which sold in 6 countries) and Discover Your Inner Economist (sold in 12 countries). His latest book The Great Stagnation was originally published in ebook only and not only went on to become a NYTimes bestseller but the the ebook's success also led to the publication of the print edition in June of this year. It also dramatically broadened Cowen's public profile: last month, The Economist named him one of the most influential economists of the decade and The Wall Street Journal says "He may very well turn out to be this decade's Thomas Friedman." Now, in AN ECONOMIST GETS LUNCH, Cowen tackles the topic of food. He argues that food snobbery is killing entrepreneurship and innovation. There has been a recent outcry against agricultural practices, which have led to global warming but while food snobs are right that local food tastes better, they're wrong that it is better for the environment, and they are wrong that cheap food is bad food. The food world needs to know that you don't have to spend more to eat healthy, green, exciting meals. At last, some good news from an economist! Tyler Cowen discusses everything from slow food to fast food, from agriculture to gourmet culture, from modernist cuisine to how to pick the best street vendor. He shows why airplane food is bad but airport food is good and why restaurants full of happy, attractive people serve mediocre meals. Most important of all, he shows how to get good, cheap eats just about anywhere. Provocative, incisive, and as enjoyable as a juicy, grass-fed burger, AN ECONOMIST GETS LUNCH will influence what you'll choose to eat today and how we're going to feed the world tomorrow.
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Published 2012-04-01 by Dutton


Published 2012-04-01 by Dutton