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Catherine Fragou
Original language
Greek, Modern (1453-)

An album of stories

Antonis Georgiou

English extracts available

An Album of Stories uses a polyphonic narrative in this 'post-novel', a mosaic which presents a whole country and its people. On the occasion of a grandmother’s death, a range of stories are revealed. From the grandmother to the family and from the small village to the whole country, these stories speak about life, love, death, war, refugees and emigrants. These are old and new stories, in the Greek language and Cypriot dialect. The stories are aided by quotations from newspapers, recipes, children’s drawings, folk songs, laments, poems and many photographs from family albums. Sometimes the stories are confused and the reader is also confused: where does one story end and another begin? And does it matter? Or perhaps our lives are nothing but a collection of stories, that we remember sometimes, relate them to the stories of others, write them down and give them a title. And they become like one story, the story of each one of us, the story of all of us. Aren't our lives nothing but an album of stories? A metamodern yet a classic novel.
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Published 1970-01-01 by TO RODAKIO

Main content page count: 276 Pages