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Erich Maria Remarque

This classic of antiwar literature describes the fate of a group of soldiers on the Western Front in World War I. It is told from the perspective of a soldier in the trenches, Paul Bäumer.

Paul Bäumer had enthusiastically volunteered. He left school early to enlist and participate what soon turns out to be the hell and horror of warfare in the trenches. Bäumer understands that humanity is rendering itself worthless and all of its achievements worthless. The only thing that counts is survival and comradery.

In one famous scene, Bäumer witnesses the slow death of a French soldier named Duval whom he stabbed. Nothing that justifies war remains valid after such an horrific act.

Shortly before, when all is quiet on the western front, Bäumer gets killed.

This timeless classic of antiwar literature tells the story of a generation that was destroyed by war, including those that escaped the shelling. It is the basis of several movies, stage adaptions, graphic novels, and it inspires millions of readers throughout the world. It was translated into over 50 languages.

Originally published in 1928 in serial form, then as volume, the novel sold half a million copies within the first three months since its publication and was burned by the Nazis in 1933. It has sold over 20 million copies world wide.

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Published by Verlag Kiepenheuer & Witsch GmbH & Co. KG , ISBN: 9783462046335

Main content page count: 336 Pages

ISBN: 9783462046335