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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
Original language


David Berardelli

In this sequel to And Darkness Fell, it has been nearly three months since the plague of death has wiped away most of the U.S. population. People continue to die, while others have gone into hiding from those who have turned into vicious savages. Most of the power grids have stopped working, and food and other necessities have become nearly non-existent. Alan Moss and his partner, Brooke Fields, remain living in quiet solitude in Alan's family home on their 88-acre farm in rural western Pennsylvania. They have managed to survive with the help of a home generator and stored food and supplies that Alan's uncle had accumulated before the old man died. But their stores have dwindled over the months, and occasional forays into the surrounding countryside for gas and canned goods have become necessary. It is only a short trip to the local country store, but with vicious killers now wandering the hills in packs, Moss and Fields know that every day could be fraught with terror, and each time they leave the house could be their last day on earth.

David Berardelli is influenced by the works of Ray Bradbury, Richard Matheson, Harlan Ellison, and Theodore Sturgeon, and he began writing in his early teens. Being a James Bond fan, he has read every Bond novel written by Ian Fleming, as well as several by John Gardner, Kingsley Amis, and Raymond Benson. Also a "Twilight Zone" fan, David has written horror as well as suspense. His other published novels include The Apprentice, Wagon Driver, Demon Chaser, Demon Chaser II, The Funny Detective, Just a Simple Errand, Stepping Out of My Grave, Escape Clause, Fatal Innocence, Colors, and Working for a Mob Boss
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Published 2014-10-01 by Mountain Lake Press