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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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Ken Bruen

A pair of rough London cops looks for the high-profile arrest that will erase their sins
At sixty-two, Chief Inspector Roberts is nearly too old to be a cop, but he makes up for his age with a ferocity that the younger detectives cannot match. After four decades on the force, he has a daughter who hates him, a wife who cheats, and a bank account that grows emptier every year. At home he is a failure, but on London's darker streets, Roberts is as serious as an earthquake. With his partner, the gleefully brutal Detective Sergeant Brant, Roberts looks for every policeman's dream: the White Arrest, a high-profile success that makes up for all their past failures. And when a bat-wielding lunatic starts lynching drug dealers, Roberts and Brant find the publicity they were looking for. They'll get their arrest—no matter who they have to pummel through on the way. Book 1 of the Sgt. Brant series (and Book 1 of THE WHITE TRILOGY ) Ken Bruen, geboren 1951 und wohnhaft in Galway, hat am Trinity College in Dublin ueber Metaphysik promoviert, bevor er zu schreiben begann. Er erhielt zahlreiche Preise, darunter den renommierten Shamus-Award, der ihm gleich zwei Mal verliehen wurde, 2009 den Grand prix de littérature policière und 2010 den Deutschen Krimi Preis. Nachdem Jack Taylor sich auch hierzulande groesster Beliebtheit erfreut, wurde die Reihe mit Ian Glenn in der Hauptrolle vom ZDF fuers Fernsehen verfilmt.
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Published 1998-05-11 by UK: the Do Not Press