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Mohrbooks Literary Agency
Annelie Geissler


Peter Muilenburg

The True Story of a Small Dog on a Big Ocean

A family with wanderlust, a sailboat to carry them across oceans, and an 11-pound dog to watch over them... These are the elements of this delightful memoir of adventurous living.
Young newlyweds Peter and Dorothy Muilenburg found their way from New Hampshire to the Virgin Islands. He had been a civil rights Freedom Fighter, jailed in Mississippi while protesting racial injustice. In St. John, she founded the Pine Peace School. They both taught. On an East End beach, he built a sailboat strong enough to take them anywhere, and they put to sea with their two young sons. But their crew was not yet complete. Santos, a schipperke, came to them as a tiny puppy and sailed with them all his life - 75,000 deep-sea miles - four times across the Atlantic, crisscrossing the Caribbean, coasting the U.S. eastern seaboard, exploring the Med, ranging up African rivers. A lightning rod for trouble, he survived a kidnapping, hurricanes, raging surf, being lost overboard at sea, and was twice given up for dead. And he watched over his family with fierce and abiding devotion. If you want to see the world - really see it - go by sailboat. And if you want to absorb the world through every pore, take a venturesome dog as your guide. The bright spirit named Santos became a legend to millions of readers through the pages of SAIL and Reader's Digest magazines. Now Peter Muilenburg?a wise and observant chronicler with a true wanderer's desire to engage the world on authentic terms - has written this captivating story of familial love and adventure, unforgettable people and places, and an amazing schipperke who has sailed right into the sea dog hall of fame. Peter Muilenburg and his wife, Dorothy, raised their two sons on a sailboat built by Peter, roaming widely throughout the Caribbean, Atlantic, and Mediterranean. A graduate of Dartmouth College, Peter is the author of Adrift on a Sea of Blue Light (self-published) which has sold 5,000 paperback copies through word of mouth alone.
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Published 2012-06-30 by Tilbury House