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Liepman Literary Agency
Marc Koralnik
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A MURDER OF CROWS : Book Two of the Junction Chronicles

David Rotenberg

Decker Roberts is back, and he always knows when you're telling the truth. Not that he likes it...
Since Decker's last run-in with the NSA, he's been trying to remain off the radar, searching for his estranged son. His synaesthetic abilities, once a lucrative gift, are increasingly becoming a liability. When a vicious attack wipes out the best and brightest of America's young minds, devastating the country's future, Decker is forced to step out of the shadows and help track down the killer. And as the hunt brings him in contact with other people of “his kind,” Decker begins to realize that there may be depths to his gifts that he had never even imagined. Meanwhile, several parties are secretly tracking the progress of Decker's son, Seth, trying to determine if he has the same unique gift as his father. Decker is determined to go to any lengths to find his son, but along the way he will have to face down enemies, both old and new, as well as struggle with whether his son even wants to be found. David Rotenberg's thrilling sequel to The Placebo Effect is full of suspense, and will challenge what you think you know about people who have special “gifts.” From rural Africa to downtown Toronto, the paths of Rotenberg's colourful characters intertwine as they move towards a conclusion that none of them can see coming. David Rotenberg has published five mysteries set in modern China as well as the Canadian bestselling historical fiction novel Shanghai. He is also the author of The Placebo Effect, the first book in the Junction Chronicles. He is the artistric director of the internationally renowned Professional Actors Lab. He has directed on Broadway, in South Africa, in major regional theatres in North America, and for television. He directed the first Canadian play staged in the People's Republic of China. He lives in Toronto.
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Published 2013-03-01 by NA: Simon&Schuster


“This second book in the Junction Chronicles is every bit as good as the first .A Murder of Crows is a slick and readable thriller with great characters...and lots of action.”

"A Murder of Crows is...told with the urgent and active voice of a storyteller who has staked his territory. It's a must read..."