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Christian Dittus
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Lavie Tidhar

Deep in the heart of history's most infamous concentration camp, a man lies dreaming. His name is Shomer, and before the war he was a pulp fiction author. Now, to escape the brutal reality of life in Auschwitz, Shomer spends his nights imagining another world - a world where a disgraced former dictator now known only as Wolf ekes out a miserable existence as a low-rent PI in London's grimiest streets.

An extraordinary story of revenge and redemption, A MAN LIES DREAMING is the unforgettable testament to the power of imagination.
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Published 2014-10-01 by Hodder & Stoughton


Nasty, clever, waspish and witty.

The best Crime novels of 2014

The best SF/F novels of 2014

Theodor Adorno said that to write poetry after Auschwitz was barbaric. To which I would say, yes, but you can still write an excellent novel. A man Lies Dreaming is that novel. - Philip Kerr

Incredibly inspiring yet terribly sad... it's with a heavy heart that you'll find yourself turning the last few pages, and it's not simply down to reaching the end of the book. 5*.

My favourite book of the year, so dark, funny, wild and important. It's a brilliant realisation of a down-at-heel Hitler, one of the best re-imaginings I've read, darkly serious with a great undertow of rage. - Stav Sherez

USA: Melville House

A Man Lies Dreaming is a vital, brilliant novel, almost assaultive in its pulp ornament. Read more...

This is a shocking book as well as a rather brilliant one ( ) treating weighty subjects such as nazism and slavery through the medium of schlock is, after all, exactly what Quentin Tarantino does. Like Tarantino, Tidhar may find that some people don't take him seriously. But the joke's on them. Seriousness is the least of it: A Man Lies Dreaming is a twisted masterpiece. Read more...

Favorite Crime Novels of 2014

Weird, upsetting, unmissable (5-star review)

Outstanding and moving - Maxim Jakubowski

One of the most powerful books I've read this year... it will haunt your dreams and is his best novel yet.